Marco was at all times a strong team-player, following instructions effectively and showed excellent interpersonal and communication skills. He was a pleasure to have around the winery and would immediately hire him again and can easily recommend him for future positions.
Andy Smith
Winemaker-Partner, DuMol
Sonoma California
In the experience that led to the creation of the final report in oenological microbiology, Doctor Marco Gozzi showed a lot of interest and excellent collaboration in following all the different phases of secondary fermentation.
Winemaker Giampaolo Turra
Production Manager of the Cavalleri Agricultural Company
Herr Gozzi arbeitete gewissenhaft, eigenstaendig und sehr zuverlaessig.
The ihm uebertragenen Arbeiten fuehrte zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit aus.
Herr Gozzi zeigte sowohl gegenueber Kollegen als auch Vorgesetzten ein kooperatives Verhalten.
Wir wuerden Herrn Gozzi gerne zu gegebenen Zeitpunkt wiederbeschaeftigen und wuenschen ihm fuer seinen weiteren Lebensweg alles Gute.
Alwin Michel
Weingut Michel
The winery work was always completed to a very high standard.
I have no hesitation in recommending Marco to any future employer.
Mike Allan
Winemaker/Director Huia
Marlborough New Zealand
Marco worked the vintage 2009 at Hoopenburg, South Africa.
He is a very pleasant chap to have around during the vintage. Always smiling and laughing at the tough pressure times.
Neil Hawkings
Winemaker Hoopenburg
South Africa
The Winemaker Marco Gozzi proved to be extremely competent in carrying out all the activities, in the vineyard and in the cellar.